Is rice allowed in Keto Diet?

Rice is a staple food for many countries around the world. However, NO, you can not eat rice during ketogenic diet.

Why is rice not allowed in Keto Diet?

For practical purposes, when you see the plate or bowl of rice, image it to be sugar. That’s how much sugar you’re to put inside your body (in terms of calories and carbohydrates).

Rice is very high in carbs and also calories and thus releases a lot of insulin in your body, making it a big No for ketogenic diet.

How many calories does rice have?

Approximate calories in rice are equal to 111 calories per 100 gram. Out of which almost all because of carbs.

100gm of rice has almost 23gm carbohydrates by weight. 1gm of carbs give us 4 kcal. Now multiply 23 with 4 and we end up with 96 calories. Which is the major chunk of total number of calories provided by 100 gm rice. Rest small fraction is fat in rice.

Why is rice so high in calories?

Rice are mainly made of carbohydrates and starch. The carbs in rice are very rich in calories. But that’s just one side of story. Rice releases plenty of insulin too as it’s mainly carb, and that’s where it gets bad.

Insulin released by rice intake

When we eat any carbohydrates rich food, plenty of insulin is released in our body. The aim of insulin is to remove the abundant carbohydrates from the blood and allow body to use it and then indirectly store the amount that’s in excess.

The excess carbohydrates in the body are converted to fat and saved for future consumption.

This is the main key concept around keto diet too. The aim of keto diet is to keep insulin release to minimum.

rice in keto diet

Brown rice vs white rice for ketogenic diet

Basically, brown and white rice, both are similar in calories value. Brown rice is simply a white rice with some layers of fibers etc. still on it. So what’s inside it has similar calories and insulin releasing value as white rice.

Thus both white and brown rice are prohibited in keto diet.

Is brown rice allowed in keto diet?

No, as discussed in the section above, brown rice and white rice have similar response inside body in relation to ketogenic diet. Thus both types of rice are not allowed in keto diet plan.

Keto rice substitutes

You can use various products available in the market as an alternate for rice in your keto meal if you’re on keto diet plan.

Some of those keto friendly rice alternate items include:

  • Cauliflower rice
  • Miracle rice (or shirataki rice)
  • Broccoli rice
  • Rutabaga rice
  • Spaghetti squash
  • Cabbage rice
  • Spiral zucchini

Tip: Wheat is also not allowed in Keto Diet

Just to add up, anything which is high in carbs is not allowed in keto diet, which includes wheat also besides rice. This means that anything made of wheat including chapati, roti, tortilla, bread, etc. is not allowed generally. Read more about why wheat is not allowed in ketogenic diet.


Doing a weightloss diet, especially ketogenic, can be tricky sometimes. So it’s ideal to discuss with a qualified medical professional and let him guide you and give you the best ketogenic diet plan for your weight loss. You can contact our doctors on our facebook page or by commenting here and we will get back to you.

Is wheat Roti allowed in Keto diet?

Unfortunately, No. You can not have chapati, roti, tortilla, bread or anything made of wheat in ketogenic diet.

Read along to understand why & when can you have it if needed.

Why is wheat not allowed in Keto Diet?

There are mainly two reasons for avoiding roti or tortilla in keto diet (or any other diet that you might be doing).

Roti or tortilla, is a staple diet in many countries around the world. Originally, roti was made with wheat flour and is supposed to be very high in nutrition and also in caloric value.

Refined wheat flour is harmful

If you want to change only one thing in your life to become fit and healthy for long term, then you need to stop using refined stuff in your diet. This includes everything from refined sugar, refined wheat flour, etc.

Refined products remove a lot of necessary things which are needed by body to process that product. Also, refined products tend to be very high in caloric value and are usually converted to fat and stored in the body too due to the mechanism how they are processed in the human body.

Wheat causes surge of Insulin

Insulin is linked to weight gain, weight control and weight loss. To understand why insulin is so important in keto diet, you need to first understand what is ketogenic diet.

So once you read that article and understand what actually is ketogenic diet and how is it linked with insulin, let me break this news to you that wheat causes a massive surge of insulin in our body, and thus is not good for weightloss at all, especially not in ketogenic diet plan.

wheat chapati roti in keto diet

What should we replace wheat with?

Nothing. Our body can live without wheat. So don’t replace it with anything. Especially if you’re doing keto diet for a limited amount of time.

However if you’re doing it for long term or want a life style modification, then you can have occasional whole wheat slices or roti. Remember, they must be whole wheat and not refined wheat flour.

Whole wheat flour is commonly called “chaki ka bgair channa hoa aata”. Means the flour which is not refined.

However you can survive if you limit wheat to very occasional use too for long term.

Can we have bran bread in keto diet?

No. You can not have anything made of wheat flour, especially refined flour.

However things can be different if you’re on a long term keto diet and want a break in between. For example if you had keto diet plan meals for one or two months and now need a break, without gaining back weight, then you can choose to have whole wheat bread (preferably, instead of bran bread). That too only one or two slices per day.

Tip: Avoid Rice in keto diet too

Although I will be writing a separate post about rice too, I just wanted to add this here, so that people don’t start replacing wheat roti or tortilla with rice.

Rice is more dangerous than wheat and imagine it like a bowl of sugar that you’re eating when you’re eating rice.


There are many things which one can do for a short term diet without worrying much (though i wouldn’t recommend short term harmful diets too). However once your goal is long term and you need to stay on a keto diet plan for months, then it’s important that you talk to a qualified doctor who not only understands keto diet but also understands how human body works and what it needs and what it doesn’t. You can contact us on our facebook page for expert opinion and to get a customised keto diet meal plan for your specific case. Or you can comment on this post with your email id and we will get back to you.

What is Ketogenic Diet?

After going through a lot of so called keto diet experts, I have realised that most of them have no idea what exactly is the aim of keto diet and how is that achieved.

Which is actually normal and fine, as they’re mostly non-doctors or non-medical professionals, and we don’t expect them to know what’s going on inside the body.

What is the origin of Keto Diet?

The concept of keto diet existed among medical professionals for ages. We just didn’t call it keto diet. We had different names for it, and different versions for it. Every medical professional or group of doctors would prefer one type of diet and discard the other.

For example I personally don’t endorse or suggest the classic keto diet which is recommended by non medical professionals. I support more of a custom version, which is technically not a classic keto diet. But as it achieves the real objective of the keto diet, that’s why we can list it under the ketogenic diet category.

What is the aim of Ketogenic Diet?

Keto diet mainly aims at two things:

  1. Putting the body metabolism into ketosis mode
  2. Reducing the release of Insulin to minimum

Why are they important? Well they are, especially the release of insulin.

What is the role of insulin in our body?

Insulin has one simple task, it takes out nutrition (carbohydrates / glucose) in the blood and puts it inside cells and tissues.

However when the sugar level is too high, or the supply is continuous and abundant, it leads to more insulin release and thus more glucose influx into muscles, liver and other cells.

What happens when there is surplus glucose and insulin?

So practically speaking, insulin pushes glucose inside the cells. But now imagine what would happen if the cell doesn’t need that much energy and glucose? It will try to do two things:

  1. It will being developing insulin resistance. Means it will do some changes to it’s cell membrane, which will lead to less affect of insulin on that cell and tissue, thus less glucose will go inside that cell
  2. It will signal the body (and itself) that the energy is surplus, so start converting it to fat and save it for a later stage

This is where the problem begins. So technically, insulin is a major cause of fat production in the body. If there is low insulin, then there will be less fat production in the body, and thus we will be covered from one side, that our body will atleast be not producing more fat.

How lack of insulin triggers ketosis?

If the body lacks carbohydrates in diet, then insulin release is minimum, and thus body looks for other sources of energy from diet such as proteins and fats.

However the cycle of metabolism of fats and proteins is different from that of carbohydrates. Although they do get converted to one another in some complex cycles, but we will ignore that part for simplicity here.

So body then starts using fats and proteins (both, but mostly fats if they are available in abundance) and the end product of the fat metabolism is ketone bodies, hence the term ketosis and the diet which leads to it is thus called ketogenic diet (ketones producing diet).

Is ketosis harmful?

Yes. Ketosis and presence of ketone bodies in body is harmful beyond a certain level. This is why I mentioned in the beginning that most of the non medical professionals who talk about keto diet don’t understand how ketosis works and what are the disadvantages of it.

We need to keep a balance of ketones in our body when we are in ketosis mode. Beyond a certain limit, it’s very harmful and can be fatal too to some individuals.

Also due to this reason, me and other doctors like me don’t recommend the classic keto diet which is promoted by non-doctors. I prefer to prescribe a customized version of diet which seems similar to keto diet but has a different touch to it, to prevent harmful affects of high ketone bodies in the body.

Is Atkins diet Ketogenic diet?

If you’re old enough, you might have seen the Dr Atkins diet. It achieved a similar objective of putting body in ketosis and reducing the insulin release. However it was not doing it in the same way as classic keto diet does.

So if we talk about gross mechanism, it might seem same, however there is a subtle difference.

Classic keto diet focuses on reducing the release of as much insulin as possible from the body, while atkins diet aims at ketosis only, but don’t be fooled, it did care about the practical affects of insulin too, but that’s slightly complex to share here as it will become an endocrinology lesson instead. So we will keep it for some other post.

What is the ideal way to do keto diet?

Ideal way is to talk to a qualified medical physician who understands keto diet and how your body works. Discuss your case with your doctor and see what best and balanced options do you have to reduce your diet using the ketogenic method and provide you with a customised keto diet plan. You can contact us for appointment on our facebook page or by commenting on this blog with your email id and we will get back to your.

How did I lose 20 kg in 2 months with Keto Diet

After successfully losing around 20 kg in 2 months, I started getting a lot of compliments from people around me. Also all obese and fat people started asking me about how I lost 20 kg in just 2 months! So I decided to make this blog to help all those individuals who are looking to find answers and expert advice on weight loss.

Who am I?

I am a practicing medical doctor (mbbs). So I understand the body requirements and how to adjust them, without most likely damaging it. You can read more about me and my team in about section.

How did I gain so much weight?

Well that’s a very good question. If I knew so much about weight management, then why did I gain it in first place?

Unfortunately I had a jaw surgery few months ago. Due to which I was on bed rest along with mostly liquid diet so that I don’t have to chew the food. As there was no physical activity and the diet mainly included shakes and other high calorie stuff, I gained a lot of weight.

I had to take plenty of high energy diet to promote the healing process. If I would have tried to maintain weight, I might have risked the healing process and thus caused more damage in my opinion.

However I do agree, gaining 20 kg weight in 6 months (in fact more) is bit outrageous!

Is losing 20 kg weight in 2 months safe?

Safe is a relative term. If you’re asking about a universal safety, then NO, it’s not safe to lose so much weight in such a short time.

However, if you are obese, with a lot of cushion to weight loss, then it can be possible and almost safe to do so. Provided that you follow strict protective diet routine, so that your body does not suffer from lack of any required nutrient or goes into any permanent damage.

Please consult your doctor, or with any of our professional doctors, before starting any sort of diet plan, especially extreme ones. What’s safe for one person might not be safe for the other.

What type of Diet did i do? Keto or Atkins?

I did a customized diet, slightly different from Keto Diet. It was a mix of Atkins and Keto diet with still some modification in it based on my own analysis and understanding. I might like to call it Dr Khan diet 😉

The diet included items which are easily and generally available in the market. Needed minimum cooking time and was easy to manage. The cost of items can vary, and can be customized infact.

Did I do any exercise?

Luckily, No. I lost 20 kg in 60 days witthout exercise. Although I had an average of 1 to 2km walk per day based on the steps counter on my iphone, but it wasn’t intentional for weight loss. It was my general movement at work, shopping, etc.

So technically exercise is not needed to lose this weight. But I still recommend doing it if you can find energy and time for that.

Keto diet to lose 20kg in 2 months

The diet plan to lose 10kg in 1 month or 20 kg in 2 months, is not exactly ketogenic, but near to it.

Foods not allowed in keto diet

First we will go through what you’re not allowed to do in the modified keto diet (Dr Khan Diet):

  • No Sugar. Zero sugar or anything that contains sugar. Quite obvious one. This also includes no gurr, white, brown, or any form of sugar.
  • No diet soda. Diet coke and sodas with artificial sweeteners in them disturb the insulin levels and metabolism in our body, despite not having sugar in them. So avoid them so that the body can function like normal human body and fix the obesity problem
  • Very low to No oil. Preferably use butter instead of cooking oil that you get from the market (remember, natural butter, not artificial one, not margarines – you will get detail of brands with natural butter in our diet plan too). Although you can still use oil to fry things, but not deep fry.
  • No fruits & Vegetables. (except the ones allowed in our custom diet plan). Not all fruits and vegetables are equal. Most of them are rich in calories and also high in carbohydrates, and thus disturb your diet massively. Therefore only use the vegetable and fruits allowed in our diet plan, and only in the quantities that are allowed too.
  • No Milk. Unfortunately, no milk. This also means no Tea (with milk) and no Coffee (with milk). Sugar free Black Tea and Black Coffee are fine.
  • No wheat. You read it right. No roti (or tortilla) or anything made out of wheat is allowed in keto diet.
  • No bran bread, no whole wheat bread.
  • No rice, white or brown.
  • No biscuits, chocolates, etc. Anything which has sugar in it is a big no. It’s already covered in the point one of this list, but I just mentioned it again to clear our any confusions.

Foods to eat on Keto Diet

Although, after going through the list of items that you’re not allowed to eat in ketogenic diet, one might think that there’s nothing left in the world to fill your stomach with!

Well that’s not the case. We’ve got plenty of readily available food items for you that fit perfectly well in keto diet and help you lose massive weight very fast. There are both ready made foods available in most markets and also which can be made in normal amount of time at home.

However, remember that the diet plan is to be customised for each individual and thus you should consult us first in order to get a diet plan that suits you better without damaging your health and body.

Contact for Keto diet weight loss consultation from a Doctor

You can send us a message on our Facebook Page or comment here using your email id and we will get back to you to discuss regarding weightloss, to provide you with the safest keto diet and weight loss option for your specific case.